Aurosra serverless: How to reduce multi zone from 3 to 2 ?


We have a 'regional cluster' Aurora Mysql witth 4 instances, serverless v2 (0.5 to 6 ACUs)

To cut down costs we need to reduce multi-AZ from 3 zone to 2

How ?!

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


The number of AZs used can be reduced by deleting the Aurora Serverless instances running in AZs that are not used and deleting subnets of unnecessary AZs from the subnet group used by Aurora Serverless.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
reviewed a month ago
  • I misunderstood the meaning of Multi-AZ. I supposed each instance has x 3 clone !

  • Using one AZ per instance. One instance will never use 3 AZs. You can check the AZ used by the instance from the RDS database screen.

  • Aurora Storage (i.e., "cluster storage volume" with the data) has 6 copies of all your data, 2 full copies in each of 3 AZs. This is not configurable and cannot be changed. Since you only pay for a single copy (GB/month), this should not really matter to you but it forms the basis for our durability and available of the Aurora system. You can decide how many compute "instances", which run the database engine, are needed to provide your applications with the level of performance and multi-user concurrency needed for your workloads.

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