1.27 Error on New Project Build


Hello, Upon knowing about the new 1.27, I was excited to install it. I previously had 1.25. So I completely uninstalled it and deleted the installation folder that still remained after unintsallation.

Finally I came to building a project, and I selected an empty project, rather than default option.

And after I chose the required gems, I selected 'Rebuild Project'. And 50GB later, it finally completed.

When I open the 'Lumberyard Editor Visual Studio 2019', The following errors came up...

ERROR 1: An error occurred while loading gems. This can happen when new gems are added to a project, but those gems need to be built in order to function. This can also happen when switching to a different project, one which uses gems which are not yet built. To continue, please build the current project before attempting to run Asset Processor again.

Full error text: Failed to load dynamic library at path "D:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Bin64vc142\Gem.VideoPlayback.632473900ed84df3a2bad2887a3bff56.v0.1.0.dll".

Solution: https://forums.awsgametech.com/t/lumberyard-installation-error-account-permissions-requested/8895/21?u=lokkkiii

ERROR 2: An error occurred while loading gems. This can happen when new gems are added to a project, but those gems need to be built in order to function. This can also happen when switching to a different project, one which uses gems which are not yet built. To continue, please build the current project before attempting to run Asset Processor again.

Full error text: Failed to load dynamic library at path "D:/Amazon/Lumberyard/".

Solution: Disabling the RAD Telemetry Addon .. (Not solution, but temp work around)

ERROR 3: ERROR: File "D:/Amazon/Lumberyard/", line 42, in <module>

ERROR: import az_qt_helpers

ERROR: File "D:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Gems\QtForPython\Editor\Scripts\az_qt_helpers.py", line 16, in <module>

ERROR: from PySide2 import QtWidgets

ERROR: ModuleNotFoundError

ERROR: No module named 'PySide2'

EXCEPTION: Detected script failure in Python script(D:/Amazon/Lumberyard/; return code -1!

***Solution: Disabled the 'QTforPython' addon (Not solution, but temp work around) ***

Finally, ERROR 4: In the Screenshot.... REMOVEDUPLOAD

This error just refuses to go. What else can I do to start this engine????! Why is the installation so complicated always???

Pls dont tell me to reinstall this thing, as it takes more than 50-60GB ... I am already regretting using my mobile data for it...

asked 3 years ago256 views
6 Answers
Accepted Answer

[quote="ravenboilinux, post:3, topic:10057"] So those gem require additional setup to be used, and cause a bunch of errors and crashes if they are not setup correctly. If you are not using those gems, you can disable them from the Project Configuration. [/quote]


VideoPlayback and RAD Telemetry definitely require additional 3rd party files as is noted in the Project Configurator descriptions.

VideoPlayback: Allows for full motion video playback during gameplay. This includes 360 degree stereo video. WARNING: using this Gem requires that you have provided a copy of FFmpeg. It is suggested that you pay close attention to the licenses associated with this library.

RAD Telemetry: The RAD Telemetry Gem allows licensors of RAD Telemetry 3 to quickly integrate RAD Telemetry 3 with Lumberyard. For instructions on enabling RAD Telemetry Gem, visit https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lumberyard/latest/userguide/gems-system-gem-rad-telemetry.html

And if you enable RAD without having the SDK from Rad Telemetry installed, WAF will output a warning message, though this can be hard to notice if you have a bunch of other warnings.

EDIT: looking for some docs on Qt for Python. For now we have this: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lumberyard/latest/userguide/editor-automation.html

Unless you have a specific need for the QtForPython gem I would not include that in your project if you don't have Qt and PySide installed and available in your PATH.

How is the PySide2 library bootstrapped into the Editor?

The Editor Python Bindings gem scans a number of folders named “Editor/Scripts” looking for a bootstrap.py file to pre-load Python symbols, append additional sys.path entries, and even prepare the Python virtual machine for debugging. The QFP gem uses its bootstrap script to add file paths so that the PySide2 and shiboken2 modules can be imported.

The files can be found at .\Gems\QtForPython\Editor\Scripts\bootstrap.py in the engine root folder. More PySide2 information

PySide2 Information

The operating system’s environment variable 'QT_PLUGIN_PATH' is also set to the path that points to the Qt plugin path. This is done since the Qt dynamic libraries are copied to a different folder than it original installation. If your team needs to update the Qt plugin path, then it is suggested to use the user’s bootstrap.py file to override this setting (stored in the user cache folder).

answered 3 years ago

Ok, I deleted the old project and Created a new one with default profile. SO I understand the errors were something to do with the Gems and Compatible Gems for them or dependencies.

So I can see the editor, and probably start working. But! The problems with the Gems, especially the VideoPlayback, RAD Telemetry and the QTforPython, are still there. Would you suggest I wait for the Gems in the next release with proper fixes, or if there is a work around for them, can you help me. I have followed the Documentation for getting them fixed, before I resorted to writing here.

Please let me know. Thanks!

answered 3 years ago

Hello, So those gem require additional setup to be used, and cause a bunch of errors and crashes if they are not setup correctly. If you are not using those gems, you can disable them from the Project Configuration.

answered 3 years ago

The link for the QtforPython link bring up this message " Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private."

answered 3 years ago

Thanks, I've removed that link and included some info from that page that might help

answered 3 years ago

@REDACTEDUSER Thank you guys, I understand now... I appreciate the detailed explanation Petrocket :) (sorry about the late reply, I was not available for the past few days...)

Have a great day..!

answered 3 years ago

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