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Aws backup incremental copy of Windows Server with VSS


I have a lot of Windows Server , and i want to backup all of them in consistent way with VSS enable. I notice taht all the backup job are full and not incremental. is there a way to have them incremental ? Thanks a lot

asked 2 years ago432 views
1 Answer

For volume snapshots Look at creating a VSS Application-Consistent Snapshot in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Windows Instances.

I recommend looking at the AWS Backup service which can make automating your backup process simpler. AWS Backup supports Windows VSS backups.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • The problem is that i follow the AWS Backup step to enable vss , but my jobs are only full backup, i don't have incremental. 100 Gb of disk each jobs of backup

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