Difference between EC2's with a auto scaling and ECS or EKS cluster managed EC2 machines


I'm getting confused between this 2 setup's. We have ec2 machines running with proper configurations along with auto scaling etc which will take care of scaling. Where as ECS or EKS clusters having EC2 machines managed by cluster what is the major difference between this 2 setup's

What we gain if we migrate to plan auto scaling managed ec2 machines to cluster managed machines. Even I can run containers in auto scaling managed machines as well

1 Answer

EC2 Auto Scaling and ECS/EKS clusters both offer scalability and flexibility to manage computing resources in the cloud. However, there are some differences between these two setups:

Containerization: ECS/EKS clusters are designed specifically to run containerized applications. They provide a container orchestration platform that simplifies deployment and management of containers, while EC2 Auto Scaling groups are not designed for containerization.

Management: ECS/EKS clusters are managed services that simplify the deployment, management, and scaling of containers. They provide an abstraction layer on top of the EC2 instances, which means that you don't have to manage the underlying EC2 instances yourself. EC2 Auto Scaling groups, on the other hand, require you to manage the EC2 instances directly.

Cost: ECS/EKS clusters can be more cost-effective than EC2 Auto Scaling groups because they offer better resource utilization. Containers can be packed more densely on a single EC2 instance, reducing the number of instances required to run the same workload.

Complexity: ECS/EKS clusters can be more complex to set up and manage than EC2 Auto Scaling groups. You need to learn new concepts like container orchestration, task definitions, and services, which can be overwhelming for beginners. EC2 Auto Scaling groups, on the other hand, are relatively simple to set up and manage.

If you are already running your applications on EC2 instances with auto scaling, migrating to ECS/EKS may provide benefits like better resource utilization and cost savings. However, it requires learning new concepts and managing more complex infrastructure. If you're running containerized workloads, it may be worth considering ECS/EKS clusters for their native container support and management simplicity.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thank you @Mina Gobrial for taking time to answer my question. It helped a lot to understand the differences

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