Email Rejection - Missing MX record


Gmail recently began rejecting email from my personal domain registered here. I contacted my email/site hosting provider A2 Hosting. They ran a check through for my domain which returned a missing MX record. I opened my settings here in Route 53 console and all records match A2 Hosting records exactly as they should and that includes the MX record. When I run an MX check through AWS it comes back as no error. Obviously there is an error somewhere, but how to find it? Despite what AWS is indicating, the MX record is not functioning properly.

Keep in mind I have not changed or logged into either AWS or A2 Hosting in over a year. I have not edited or changed any record previous to this problem developing a few days ago. This problem is external to anything I have done, but as I previously mentioned, obviously something has changed somewhere.

Also, while I'm in a ranting mood (I realize this is going to go nowhere), having the same PW for both Amazon retail services and AWS is bonkers. I suppose because I haven't logged into AWS in a while I was required to reset my PW. That means resetting PWs on computers, phones, tablets, TVs, Rokus, etc. Completely unnecessary.

asked 3 months ago213 views
1 Answer

Since you mentioned Gmail rejecting email from your personal domain, it doesn't like a MX record issue as MX record is used for your domain to receive email. I suggest you check your SPF and DMARC.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago
  • All the records on A2 and AWS are the same. The error messages being generated by Gmail show they're being denied for an authentication error even though the DKIM, SPF are in place and haven't changed. Looking closely I see the message is actually (or apparently) being created by The IP listed for the source is not the IP for A2 mail server and a whois shows the address to be located in Vancouver (I'm in TN). I have written A2 to see if they are somehow routing outgoing mail through mailchannels. I doubt they are, but could be. What I know is something recently broke.

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