Creation of rekognition collection and users


I was reading the documentation about the pricing. When I call the API for creation of users and create collection, is it free? Is that price inside the storage of the data?

asked a month ago34 views
1 Answer

Hello Vanessa,

Thank you for your questions. Yes, that is correct. Amazon Rekognition pricing, creating collections and users, is free of charge.

As mentioned in our documentation

There are two types of costs with Amazon Rekognition Image: the cost for image analysis and the cost for face metadata storage.

Image analysis Face metadata storage:

The costs are primarily associated with storing the face metadata and analyzing images or videos using the various Rekognition APIs.

You can refer to this link - Amazon Rekognition Image pricing

Additionally we do offer AWS Free Tier service, which allows you to try this

As part of the AWS Free Usage Tier, you can get started with Amazon Rekognition for free. Upon sign-up, new Amazon Rekognition customers can analyze up to 5,000 images for free each month for the first 12 months. You can use all Amazon Rekognition APIs, except for Image Properties, with this free tier, and also store up to 1,000 faces without any charge. In addition, Amazon Rekognition Video customers can analyze 1,000 minutes of Video free, per month, for the first year.

Please also refer to this link for more information Will I be charged for the feature vectors I store in my face collections?

Hope above information helps you. Have a great day ahead, :)

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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