Amazon Connect Error: 'Service quota has been exceeded' when attempting to monitor a call


I'm encountering an error in my Amazon Connect instance when trying to monitor a call as an admin using the "listen in on phone conversation" feature in the Real-time Metrics menu eye icon. The error message states, "Service quota has been exceeded." I've taken several troubleshooting steps including ensuring that there is only one admin and one agent in the instance, enabling the necessary options in telephony and chat settings according to the Administrator Guide, and verifying that no quotas are exceeded in the Service Quotas application. Despite these efforts, the issue persists. Any insights or further troubleshooting steps would be appreciated.

asked 5 months ago583 views
1 Answer

I would recommend reviewing this documentation:

Do you have Multi-Party Calls enabled? If not, it sounds like you need to have a "Set recording and analytics behavior" block in your flow to enable live monitoring.

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answered 5 months ago

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