Blu Age L3 Workshop - Execution - Test - Batch


When doing Blu Age L3 workshop in Execution Test-Batch, in the step of executing the batch chain, when running the TRANBKP job the first time, in the working directory the expected files have been created, but when I checked the Blusam dataset, AWS_M2_CARDDEMO_TRANSACT_VSAM_KSDS has disappeared.

I checked the eclipse console and the batch ran correctly.

As it says to check that bluesam dataset TRANSACT is cleared, I considered that it was not an error that it had been deleted.

I then ran the POSTTRAN job but this time it did not generate the expected AWS.M2.CARDDEMO.DALYREJS.G0027V0 file in the working directory. I checked the eclipse console and this job ran correctly too, no error.

Please, what is the possible cause of this problem and how can I solve it? Can I re-create the dataset from LISTCAT as indicated in step 7 in Data Migration>Datasets>VSAM KSDS and re-run the TRANSACT and POSTTRAN jobs again? Is it necessary to take any action to return to the initial state before running the jobs?

Thank you very much.

asked 3 months ago116 views
1 Answer

I had the same issue, then I did a few things and the issue went away. I'm not sure which of the things I did solved it for me, so I'll write all of them in the hopes that at least one of them helps.

  1. I re-created all the Bluesam datasets from LISTCAT and migrated the data (as per steps 7 and 8 of the vsams-kds docs).

  2. I double-checked that I had fileSystem and path are used, as suggested here.

  3. This last one is probably not as relevant to you as CREASTMT is not run during POSTTRAN, but writing here in case I misunderstand how it works and it can help. I made sure to have the correct spacing in the the CREASTMT groovy script (located in src/main/resources/scripts of carddemo-service) as suggested here.

answered 3 months ago

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