Knowledge Base Bedrock impossible to delete


I have tried several time to delete a knowledge base that I have created to try Bedrock Titan Embeddings G1 - Textv1.2 but is impossible, I have followed the istructions and there isn't any agent linked. Let me know any solutions. Thanks

asked 21 days ago387 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Can you delete it using the steps in the document below?
Also, if there is any error message output when deleting it, could you please share it?

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answered 21 days ago

I follewed the istructions linked and obtain this error:

Failed to delete knowledge base - EGRPMIM0XK Unable to delete data from vector store for data source with ID 6IQE08CRIJ. Check your vector store configurations and permissions and retry your request. If the issue persists, consider updating the dataDeletionPolicy of the data source to RETAIN and retry your request.

I have tried to set dataDeletionPolicy to retain but is impossible due to this error

undefined Role AROAS2ATK5YE6J3XXVLO5 does not trust service

answered 20 days ago

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