finally: the android version is not working when compiled in release mode


So I have compiled android release app for project SampleProject and it was working fine in debug mode but does not in release.

for release i did:

  1. set r_ShadersPreactivate to 3 in C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Engine\Config\spec\android*

  2. changed IConsole.h line 39 to value 1

  3. generated shadercache.pak (only gles3_1, I have disabled gles3_0 in

  4. lmbr_waf.bat configure

  5. lmbr_waf.bat build_android_armv7_gcc_release -p all

  6. running the app on android devices and it crashes immediately after start


10-12 22:37:35.476: I/OpenGLRenderer(4014): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 10-12 22:37:35.476: D/OpenGLRenderer(4014): Swap behavior 1 10-12 22:37:35.478: V/WindowManager(5088): Relayout Window{e2f1549d0 u0 SurfaceView - com.lumberyard.samples/com.lumberyard.samples.SamplesProjectActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=2560x1440 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(2560x1440) gr=#800033 ty=1001 fl=#4218 pfl=0x10040 fmt=1 naviIconColor=0} 10-12 22:37:35.478: I/SurfaceFlinger(3126): id=14037 createSurf (2560x1440),1 flag=4, TamplesProj 10-12 22:37:35.479: D/libGLESv1(4014): STS_GLApi : DTS is not allowed for Package : com.lumberyard.samples 10-12 22:37:35.479: I/SurfaceFlinger(3126): id=14038 createSurf (2560x1440),-1 flag=20004, TamplesProj 10-12 22:37:35.481: D/mali_winsys(4014): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [2560x1440]-format:1 10-12 22:37:35.485: V/SDL(4014): surfaceCreated() 10-12 22:37:35.485: V/SDL(4014): surfaceChanged() 10-12 22:37:35.485: V/SDL(4014): pixel format RGBA_8888 10-12 22:37:35.485: V/SDL(4014): Window size:2560x1440 10-12 22:37:35.487: I/Sensors(5088): Acc old sensor_state 16384, new sensor_state : 16385 en : 1 10-12 22:37:35.490: D/SensorManager(4014): registerListener :: 0, K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor, 20000, 0, 10-12 22:37:35.491: D/WindowManager(5088): finishDrawingWindow: Window{e2f1549d0 u0 SurfaceView - com.lumberyard.samples/com.lumberyard.samples.SamplesProjectActivity} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 10-12 22:37:35.491: V/SDLExt(4014): Asset manager loaded. 10-12 22:37:35.491: I/SDL(4014): SDL_Android_Init() 10-12 22:37:35.491: I/SDL(4014): SDL_Android_Init() finished! 10-12 22:37:35.494: V/WindowManager(5088): Relayout Window{84bb14dd0 u0 com.lumberyard.samples/com.lumberyard.samples.SamplesProjectActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=2560x1440 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=1 fl=#1810500 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-3 wanim=0x1030001 vsysui=0x400 needsMenuKey=2 naviIconColor=0} 10-12 22:37:35.496: V/WindowManager(5088): Relayout Window{e2f1549d0 u0 SurfaceView - com.lumberyard.samples/com.lumberyard.samples.SamplesProjectActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=2560x1440 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(2560x1440) gr=#800033 ty=1001 fl=#4218 pfl=0x10040 fmt=1 naviIconColor=0} 10-12 22:37:35.500: D/WindowManager(5088): finishDrawingWindow: Window{e2f1549d0 u0 SurfaceView - com.lumberyard.samples/com.lumberyard.samples.SamplesProjectActivity} mDrawState=READY_TO_SHOW 10-12 22:37:35.503: I/SDL/APP(4014): Added joystick Android Accelerometer with device_id -2147483648 10-12 22:37:35.630: A/libc(4014): Fatal signal 11 __(SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x24 in tid 4042 (RenderThread) 10-12 22:37:35.631: W/(3107): debuggerd: handling request: pid=4014 uid=10355 gid=10355 tid=4042 10-12 22:37:35.723: A/DEBUG(4060): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 10-12 22:37:35.724: A/DEBUG(4060): Build fingerprint: '__samsung/hero2ltexx/hero2lte:7.0/NRD90M/G935FXXS1DQHF:user/release-keys' 10-12 22:37:35.724: A/DEBUG(4060): Revision: '9' 10-12 22:37:35.724: A/DEBUG(4060): ABI: 'arm' 10-12 22:37:35.724: A/DEBUG(4060): pid: 4014, tid: 4042, name: RenderThread >>> com.lumberyard.samples <<< 10-12 22:37:35.724: A/DEBUG(4060): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x24 10-12 22:37:35.724: A/DEBUG(4060): r0 00000000 r1 c50ff4f0 r2 00000000 r3 00000001 10-12 22:37:35.724: A/DEBUG(4060): r4 c5137fd0 r5 eafb734c r6 00000000 r7 f0c2fce4 10-12 22:37:35.725: A/DEBUG(4060): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 sl 00000d55 fp 00000855 10-12 22:37:35.725: A/DEBUG(4060): ip 80000000 sp f0c2fc68 lr de9a1a8c pc de99e7a8 cpsr 200f0010 10-12 22:37:35.743: A/DEBUG(4060): backtrace: 10-12 22:37:35.743: A/DEBUG(4060): #00 pc 003207a8 /system/vendor/lib/egl/ (LLVMGetInstructionParent) 10-12 22:37:35.743: A/DEBUG(4060): #01 pc 00323a88 /system/vendor/lib/egl/ 10-12 22:37:35.743: A/DEBUG(4060): #02 pc 00547438 /system/vendor/lib/egl/ 10-12 22:37:35.743: A/DEBUG(4060): #03 pc 005529e4 /system/vendor/lib/egl/ 10-12 22:37:35.743: A/DEBUG(4060): #04 pc 0063c190 /system/vendor/lib/egl/ 10-12 22:37:35.743: A/DEBUG(4060): #05 pc 0065ffdc /system/vendor/lib/egl/ 10-12 22:37:35.743: A/DEBUG(4060): #06 pc 00661530 /system/vendor/lib/egl/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #07 pc 0064b53c /system/vendor/lib/egl/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #08 pc 0064bfc8 /system/vendor/lib/egl/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #09 pc 005cb1a8 /system/vendor/lib/egl/ (glTexImage2D+172) 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #10 pc 0005e1ab /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #11 pc 0005df8d /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #12 pc 0005e6ab /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #13 pc 0005e879 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #14 pc 00054269 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #15 pc 00053c27 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #16 pc 0005428f /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #17 pc 00053c27 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #18 pc 0005428f /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #19 pc 00053c27 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #20 pc 0005428f /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #21 pc 00053c27 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #22 pc 0005428f /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #23 pc 00053c27 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #24 pc 0005428f /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.744: A/DEBUG(4060): #25 pc 00053c27 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #26 pc 0005428f /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #27 pc 00053c27 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #28 pc 00053af7 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android10uirenderer10RenderNode11prepareTreeERNS0_8TreeInfoE+66) 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #29 pc 00094833 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #30 pc 00024689 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #31 pc 00026667 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #32 pc 000264c1 /system/lib/ 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #33 pc 000299e1 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread12RenderThread10threadLoopEv+80) 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #34 pc 0000e329 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+144) 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #35 pc 0006b2a5 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+80) 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #36 pc 00047423 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+22) 10-12 22:37:35.745: A/DEBUG(4060): #37 pc 00019efd /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)

asked 7 years ago226 views
15 Answers

Yes, I will do it soon. I think I found why it is not working for me but I still need to double check it

Seems there are new folders layout on Android devices and thus I was copying compiled shaders from previous Samples project which is not the latest one. So I will redo the shaders deployment again and if it does not work I will enable logging as you described and will show the log here

answered 7 years ago



answered 7 years ago

Then everything should be installed correctly. Which options do you have enabled in the Deployment Tool? And could you verify there an APK being generated with the suffix "_w_assets" in your BinAndroidGcc.Release directory?

answered 7 years ago

Found a workaround:

in \dev\Code\Framework\AzCore\AzCore\Android\Utils.cpp

line 111 and 124 needs to be removed.

Apparently, someone thought that bootstrap.cfg should be in a pak file for release builds but forgot to actually put it in a pak file

answered 7 years ago


I see it can't find bootstrap.cfg even thou I can see it in folder

10-20 00:09:24.641: D/LMBR(24837): BootStrap: Starting Library load

10-20 00:09:24.728: D/LMBR(24837): BootStrap: Finished Library load

10-20 00:09:25.054: I/LMBR(24837): ******************************************************

10-20 00:09:25.054: I/LMBR(24837): * Amazon Lumberyard - Launching Game.... *

10-20 00:09:25.054: I/LMBR(24837): ******************************************************

10-20 00:09:25.054: I/LMBR(24837): CWD = /

10-20 00:09:25.062: E/LMBR(24837): #################################################

10-20 00:09:25.062: E/LMBR(24837): [ERROR] Unable to locate bootstrap.cfg - Exiting!

10-20 00:09:25.062: E/LMBR(24837): #################################################


C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Build\es3\SamplesProject>adb shell ls -l /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.lumberyard.samples/files/

total 352

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 14493 2017-10-20 00:05 assetprocessorplatformconfig.ini

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 1782 2017-10-20 00:05 bootstrap.cfg

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 712 2017-10-20 00:05 editor.cfg

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 66 2017-10-20 00:05 engine.json

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 204 2017-10-20 00:05 engineroot.txt

drwxrwx--x 41 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 4096 2017-10-20 00:05 gems

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 597 2017-10-20 00:05 lmbr_test_blacklist.txt

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 4088 2017-10-20 00:05 lyzardconfig.xml

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 4087 2017-10-20 00:05 projectconfiguratorconfig.xml

drwxrwx--x 26 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 4096 2017-10-20 00:07 samplesproject

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 75170 2017-10-20 00:05 setupassistantconfig.json

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 98 2017-10-20 00:05 setupassistantuserpreferences.ini

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 677 2017-10-20 00:05 shadercachegen.cfg

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 1253 2017-10-20 00:05 system_android_es3.cfg

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 1499 2017-10-20 00:05 system_appletv_ios.cfg

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 554 2017-10-20 00:05 system_buildshaderpak_dx11.cfg

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 550 2017-10-20 00:05 system_buildshaderpak_gl4.cfg

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 1489 2017-10-20 00:05 system_ios_ios.cfg

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 313 2017-10-20 00:05 system_linux_pc.cfg

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 1192 2017-10-20 00:05 system_osx_osx_gl.cfg

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 1260 2017-10-20 00:05 system_windows_pc.cfg

drwxrwx--x 4 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 4096 2017-10-20 00:06 user

-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a363 sdcard_rw 3712 2017-10-20 00:05 usersettings.xml

answered 7 years ago

I am relaying on deployment tool via running command "lmbr_waf.bat build_android_armv7_gcc_release -p all" when device is connected.

So when I run that command it is installing APK and deploying asset

answered 7 years ago

yes, it seems script installing APK without asset.

answered 7 years ago

and it is still can't find shaders

10-24 00:19:49.421: E/Zygote(22739): v2 10-24 00:19:49.421: I/libpersona(22739): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10367 10-24 00:19:49.421: I/libpersona(22739): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona 10-24 00:19:49.422: E/Zygote(22739): accessInfo : 0 10-24 00:19:49.423: W/SELinux(22739): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 SPD:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0006 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0009, [-1 -1 -9 -1 0 1] 10-24 00:19:49.424: I/SELinux(22739): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.lumberyard.samples 10-24 00:19:49.458: D/TimaKeyStoreProvider(22739): TimaSignature is unavailable 10-24 00:19:49.459: D/ActivityThread(22739): Added TimaKeyStore provider 10-24 00:19:49.619: D/ContextRelationMgrBrdg(22739): loadKlass() :<clinit>:28 10-24 00:19:49.694: D/LMBR(22739): BootStrap: Starting Library load 10-24 00:19:50.112: D/LMBR(22739): BootStrap: Finished Library load 10-24 00:19:50.485: D/LumberyardActivity(22739): Assets already on the device, not using the OBB expansion files. 10-24 00:19:50.632: D/InputTransport(22739): Input channel constructed: fd=58 10-24 00:19:50.632: D/ViewRootImpl@1227bd9SamplesProjectActivity: setView = DecorView@41099e[SamplesProjectActivity] touchMode=true 10-24 00:19:50.690: D/SensorManager(22739): registerListener :: 0, K6DS3TR Acceleration Sensor, 20000, 0, 10-24 00:19:50.696: I/SDL(22739): SDL_Android_Init() 10-24 00:19:50.696: I/SDL(22739): SDL_Android_Init() finished! 10-24 00:19:50.710: I/SDL/APP(22739): Added joystick Android Accelerometer with device_id -2147483648 10-24 00:19:50.711: I/LMBR(22739): ****************************************************** 10-24 00:19:50.711: I/LMBR(22739): * Amazon Lumberyard - Launching Game.... * 10-24 00:19:50.711: I/LMBR(22739): ****************************************************** 10-24 00:19:50.711: I/LMBR(22739): CWD = / 10-24 00:19:50.725: I/AndroidEnv(22739): Application private storage path = /data/user/0/com.lumberyard.samples/files 10-24 00:19:50.725: I/AndroidEnv(22739): Application public storage path = /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.lumberyard.samples/files 10-24 00:19:50.725: I/AndroidEnv(22739): Application OBB path = /storage/emulated/0/Android/obb/com.lumberyard.samples 10-24 00:19:50.725: I/AndroidEnv(22739): Main OBB file name = 10-24 00:19:50.725: I/AndroidEnv(22739): Patch OBB file name = 10-24 00:19:50.726: I/LMBR(22739): [INFO] Using APK for game files 10-24 00:19:50.726: I/LMBR(22739): [INFO] Log and cache files will be written to app storage 10-24 00:19:50.726: I/LMBR(22739): **** ROOT path set to : /APK **** 10-24 00:19:50.726: I/LMBR(22739): **** ASSET path set to : /APK/samplesproject **** 10-24 00:19:50.726: I/LMBR(22739): **** USER path set to : /data/user/0/com.lumberyard.samples/files/user **** 10-24 00:19:50.726: I/LMBR(22739): **** LOG path set to : /data/user/0/com.lumberyard.samples/files/log **** 10-24 00:19:50.799: I/OpenGLRenderer(22739): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 10-24 00:19:50.799: D/OpenGLRenderer(22739): Swap behavior 1 10-24 00:19:50.814: D/libGLESv1(22739): STS_GLApi : DTS is not allowed for Package : com.lumberyard.samples 10-24 00:19:50.815: D/mali_winsys(22739): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [2560x1440]-format:1 10-24 00:19:51.009: D/ViewRootImpl@1227bd9SamplesProjectActivity: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=2 10-24 00:19:51.009: D/ViewRootImpl@1227bd9SamplesProjectActivity: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 10-24 00:19:51.010: I/InputMethodManager(22739): [IMM] startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 10-24 00:19:51.032: D/InputTransport(22739): Input channel constructed: fd=69 10-24 00:19:51.395: I/GridMate(22739): GridMate Allocator has already started! Ignoring current allocator descriptor! 10-24 00:19:51.395: I/GridMate(22739): ================================================ 10-24 00:19:51.395: I/GridMate(22739): = GridMate initialized: Version 00.01.0263 = 10-24 00:19:51.395: I/GridMate(22739): = Build on: Fri 10/11/2013 11:42:40.81 = 10-24 00:19:51.395: I/GridMate(22739): ================================================ 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/EMotionFX(22739): ================================================================== 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/EMotionFX(22739): Trace::Warning 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/EMotionFX(22739): c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Gems\EMotionFX\Code\Source\Integration\System\SystemComponent.cpp(510): 'void EMotionFX::Integration::SystemComponent::SetMediaRoot(const char*)' 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/EMotionFX(22739): Failed to set media root because alias "@assets@" could not be resolved. 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/EMotionFX(22739): ------------------------------------------------ 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/EMotionFX(22739): ================================================================== 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/TickBus(22739): ================================================================== 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/TickBus(22739): Trace::Warning 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/TickBus(22739): c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Code\Framework\AzCore/AzCore/Component/TickBus.h(125): 'virtual int AZ::TickEvents::GetTickOrder()' 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/TickBus(22739): TickBus::Handler::m_tickOrder has been deprecated, implement GetTickOrder() instead. 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/TickBus(22739): ------------------------------------------------ 10-24 00:19:51.455: I/TickBus(22739): ================================================================== 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): ================================================================== 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): Trace::Warning 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Code\Framework\AzCore/AzCore/Component/TickBus.h(125): 'virtual int AZ::TickEvents::GetTickOrder()' 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): TickBus::Handler::m_tickOrder has been deprecated, implement GetTickOrder() instead. 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): ------------------------------------------------ 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): ================================================================== 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): ================================================================== 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): Trace::Warning 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Code\Framework\AzCore/AzCore/Component/TickBus.h(125): 'virtual int AZ::TickEvents::GetTickOrder()' 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): TickBus::Handler::m_tickOrder has been deprecated, implement GetTickOrder() instead. 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): ------------------------------------------------ 10-24 00:19:51.456: I/TickBus(22739): ================================================================== 10-24 00:19:51.507: I/LMBR(22739): Loading system configuration from system_android_es3.cfg... 10-24 00:19:51.507: I/LMBR(22739): GameDir: SamplesProject 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): BackupNameAttachment=" Build(0) 24 Oct 17 (00 19 52)" -- used by backup system 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Log Started at Tue Oct 24 00:19:52 2017 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Built on Oct 19 2017 23:48:15 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Running 32 bit Android version API VER:24 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): FileVersion: 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): ProductVersion: - Build 486406 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Using GNU C++ Standard Library implementation 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Number of system processors: 0 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Number of available processors: 6 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Processor 0: 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): CPU: 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Family: 0, Model: 0, Stepping: 0 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): FPU: 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): 3DNow!: not present 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): MMX: not present 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): SSE: not present 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): SSE2: not present 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): SSE3: not present 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Serial number not present or disabled 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Processor 1: 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): CPU: 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Family: 0, Model: 0, Stepping: 0 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): FPU: 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): 3DNow!: not present 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): MMX: not present 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): SSE: not present 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): SSE2: not present 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): SSE3: not present 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Serial number not present or disabled 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): Processor 2: 10-24 00:19:52.185: I/LMBR(22739): CPU: 10-24

answered 7 years ago

I took a look at the deployment log and noticed some

1> The command line is too long.

Around line 2284 (dev\Tools\build\waf-1.7.13\lmbrwaflib\ under def flush(self):

I added:

ctx.user_message('Command[' + str(len(command)) + ']: ' + command)

before the line:

call(command, shell = True)

The following log showed up:

1> Packing assets into the APK... 1> Command[8159]: "D:/Android/sdk\build-tools\26.0.2\aapt.exe" add "d:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\BinTemp\AndroidCache\apk\DeckCasterLauncher_unaligned_unsigned_w_assets.apk" "assets/assetprocessorplatformconfig.ini" "assets/bootstrap.cfg" ... (I edited because it was too long)
1> The command line is too long.

For some reason, the max command line length on my system is not 8191 but 8158 or 8159. 8157 seems to pass.

To workaround this I changed the line around line 2335 from:

command_len_max = get_command_line_limit()


command_len_max = 8000 #get_command_line_limit()

just to be safe. It seems to be working now.

If you are getting "command line is too long" error as well then this workaround could also work for you.

answered 7 years ago


Could you provide some more information about your environment. What OS are you running? Are you using the default Windows command prompt or something else? e.g. cygwin, PowerShell, etc.

answered 7 years ago

Hi Scott@AGS

I'm using Windows 7 and just the default windows command prompt.

I've installed Lumberyard into the default directory at "D:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev" which is 33 characters in length.

If you subtract 33 from 8191, you get 8158 which would explain why commands of length 8157 are okay while commands of length 8159 fail.

answered 7 years ago


answered 7 years ago

No, I didn't. I will redo the same for new version 1.11.1 to see if it is working now

answered 7 years ago

Hi @Alexander77,

Hmmm, could you try enabling logging in release and provide an updated log? Looks to be something in the Android system UI but I'm curious how far in the start up it's getting.

Here are the changes needed to do so:


Add the following line at the end of the load_release_android_settings function

append_to_unique_list(env['DEFINES'], [ 'RELEASE_LOGGING', 'AZ_ENABLE_TRACING' ])


  1. Around line 74 change
    #if !defined(_RELEASE)
#define LOG_TAG "LMBR"


    #if !defined(_RELEASE) || defined(RELEASE_LOGGING)
#define LOG_TAG "LMBR"
  1. Around line 282 change
    #if !defined(_RELEASE)
startupParams.pPrintSync = &g_androidPrintSink;


    #if !defined(_RELEASE) || defined(RELEASE_LOGGING)
startupParams.pPrintSync = &g_androidPrintSink;
answered 7 years ago

That seems rather odd the current working directory would factor into the command line limit. Either way, it's still probably better to use a more conservative limit for those commands. Thanks for the info @DavidRNG!

answered 7 years ago

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