AWS Iot Device Tester SSH Connection failing with EOF


IDT Connectivity issue as reported in forums.

Hi All, I am trying to run AWS IDT for Greengrass on my ARM devices. But SSH connection is failed by EOF when I used the IoT Device Tester v4.4.0/4.4.1 with public key authentication. (Of cource, I added "publicKeyPath" to device.json and prepared it)

On the other hand, it is passed when I used the IoT Device Tester v4.2.0 with public key authentication on the same device/rootfs. So, the difference is only IDT's version.

Unfortunately, I cannot find any solution about EOF of SSH connection. Could you tell me how to resolve this ?

========== Test Summary ==========
Execution Time: 3s
Tests Completed: 1
Tests Passed: 0
Tests Failed: 1
Tests Skipped: 0
Test Groups:
pretestvalidation: FAILED
Failed Tests:
Group Name: pretestvalidation
Test Name: pretestvalidation
Reason: failed to setup before running test: failed to connect to devices: failed to create connection to device with id ${device id}: establishing connection with id pretestvalidation_pretestvalidation failed: failed to setup ssh connection: EOF
asked 2 years ago421 views
2 Answers


With 4.4.x IDT, we have introduced a dependency on sftp as part of ssh connectivity to device.

If the sftp is enabled on the device, the IDT connectivity will not face the ‘EOF’ issue. If you are able to manually sftp to the device, and still IDT is blocked by the ‘EOF’ connectivity issue, please report the issue.

Thank you.

answered 2 years ago

In 4.5.1/xxx release, we have taken the sftp dependency out, on Linux based device connectivity. Please use 4.5.1 version(or above in future) if you're seeing the same issue.

answered 2 years ago

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