Do Cost Allocation Tags work when 'Split Cost Allocation Data' (SCAD) is enabled ?


I have enabled SCAD on EKS clusters. There are some auto activated cost allocation tags (aws:eks:cluster-name, aws:eks:namespace, aws:eks:node, aws:eks:workload-type, aws:eks:workload-name and aws:eks:deployment) . But if I select any of these tags in cost explorer/ budgets/ cost anomaly detection or any other products - they dont seem to do anything

Is this article correct that Cost Allocation Tags are broken when SCAD is enabled ?

1 Answer

Hello , The Split Cost Allocation Data is only available in the Cost and Usage Reports and not in Cost Explorer. Here is the documentation on Split Cost Allocation: Here is the documentation on Cost and Usage Reporting:

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago
  • Hmm - This article does not seem to say anything about these tags in cost management products. If they are not usable in these other CE/Budgets / etc. - why do they appear under Cost Allocation Tags in these products ? Why are these called as Cost Allocation Tags if they dont behave like tags in any product ? Confusing! Is the only reason these are called tags, the fact that they appear under tags header in CUR ?

  • Also, user-defined tags do not work as expected. try it out. (1) create a ecs cluster with say 3 ec2 instances (2) deploy 2 tasks tagged application:ms1 and application:ms2 in cluster (3) task1 also uses a dynamoDB table that is also tagged application:ms1; and task2 uses another s3 bucket tagged application:ms2. Set replication to 5 for each task . (4) Enable scad. If I try to report the cost of task1 using tag application:ms1, I expect that it should add the dynamoDB cost and container runtime costs . Similarly for task2, tag application:ms2, should add the s3 bucket and container runtime costs. This does not seem to work. However , in step (1) if using fargate, and not ec2 auto scaling group, then everything works fine without scad.

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