Moving objects to Glacier Deep Archive in S3


I am using Glacier Deep Archive to keep backups of my external drives in case something happens to them. I just added a new one and I cannot seem to get the objects in the bucket to move to the Glacier Deep Archive storage class. I created a lifecycle rule for everything to move after a day and it didn't (although it has in the past). I did try to select and change storage class but I get errors for everything (CopyObjectOperationObject: storage class has unknown or unsupported value : DEEP_ARCHIVE). I researched this all for weeks when I originally started a year ago but I don't have a good technical background generally so I'm not sure what's gone wrong?

asked a month ago149 views
2 Answers

I understand you're having difficulty moving objects to the S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class. Let's address your concerns and provide some clarification.

First, it's important to note that transitions to S3 Glacier Deep Archive can only occur in one direction. Once objects are in this storage class, they cannot be directly moved back to other storage classes without a restore operation first.

Regarding your lifecycle rule, it's possible that the objects haven't transitioned yet due to the asynchronous nature of the process. Transitions are not immediate and may take some time to complete. Additionally, there are some limitations to consider:

  1. Objects smaller than 128 KB cannot be transitioned by default (though this can be changed with a custom minimum size filter).
  2. Objects must be stored for at least 30 days before transitioning to certain storage classes like S3 Standard-IA or S3 One Zone-IA.

The error message you're receiving when trying to change the storage class manually ("CopyObjectOperationObject: storage class has unknown or unsupported value : DEEP_ARCHIVE") suggests there might be an issue with how the storage class is being specified in your request.

To properly move objects to S3 Glacier Deep Archive:

  1. Ensure your lifecycle rule is correctly configured to transition objects to the S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class.
  2. Wait for the lifecycle rule to take effect, which may take some time due to the asynchronous nature of the process.
  3. If you need to move objects manually, you may need to use the AWS CLI or SDK instead of the console, ensuring you're using the correct API calls and parameters for S3 Glacier Deep Archive.

If problems persist, you may want to double-check your IAM permissions to ensure you have the necessary access to perform these operations. Additionally, consider reaching out to AWS Support for further assistance, as they can provide more specific guidance based on your account and configuration.
Transitioning objects using Amazon S3 Lifecycle - Amazon Simple Storage Service
Understanding archival storage in S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval and S3 Glacier Deep Archive - Amazon Simple Storage Service

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • There is nothing under 128kb and it has been a few days and nothing has automatically transferred.


Hi Rosie, a few potential causes may be:

  1. AWS region-specific restrictions, meaning some regions may not support Glacier Deep Archive. Can you check the region your S3 bucket is hosted in?
  2. Source storage class incompatibility, meaning certain transitions are not allowed. Can you check your storage source?
  3. Object size limitations. By default, Glacier Deep Archive does not transition objects with 128 KB or less in size.

Hope that helps.

answered a month ago

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