unable to Sub scribing with Mqtt data in AWS IoT core with greengrass deployment


Currently I am unable to publish data with custom own Mqtt broker to aws iot core. Whereas I am able to publish data to open MQTT server i.e broker.emqx.io. Is there any configuration need to be provide like, certification of AWS? Or access id and secrete key is enough?

asked 3 years ago367 views
1 Answer

Hi. To publish or to subscribe to IoT Core from a Greengrass component, the recommended way is to use the messaging IPC service: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/greengrass/v2/developerguide/ipc-iot-core-mqtt.html

It is possible to use an MQTT client directly from within a component to connect to IoT Core. The client would have to meet one of the IoT Core client authentication methods. Most commonly, an X.509 certificate. IPC is preferred though and takes advantage of the Greengrass core device's existing identity.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

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