Manual Snapshots of RDS Issue (MySQL 8.0.27)


Greetings, I've been backing up my RDS MySQL instances from january to april of this year manually (one per month at the last day of it), the version of my servers are 8.0.27 and currently this version is deprecated, I was wondering, is there any way to recover my previous manual snapshots? I upgraded the version in order to be able to restore the snapshots from now on, I tried with the migration option but it demands the latest version (8.0.32). Any ideas to recover my information of previous months? It's quite sad to preserve snapshots that I cannot access in any way. Thanks in advance.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The console won't allow you to do this but you should be able to do it via CLI (unless this has changed recently but I can't find anything that suggests it has in my search)

aws rds restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot \
    --db-instance-identifier new-instance \
    --db-snapshot-identifier deprecated-engine-snapshot \
    --db-instance-class db.instance.class
answered a year ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
  • Awesome, I'm gonna try it in order to restore each one, upgrade every copy, restore them and then take a new snapshot with the latest MySQL engine to be able to access them later.

  • Hey, using your suggested solution I got the following: "An error occurred (InvalidSubnet) when calling the RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot operation: No default subnet detected in VPC" but motivated by your answer I keep searching a solution and I had just to add in the end of the line "--db-subnet-group my_subnet_group" and that's it. Thank you very much for your help. Hope this helps others with a similar issue like this one. Please add the command I mentioned in order to complete the solution.

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