How to disable Kibana for Opensearch resource


Hi, I've set-up opensearch service and I've noticed that kibana service was also started (URL was generated). Can i disable it somehow? I couldn't find any option nor in documentation neither in terraform documentation.

Regards, Mateusz Glowinski

asked 2 years ago599 views
2 Answers

If you create your OpenSearch cluster inside a VPC, which you should be doing in any case as a security best practice, then the OpenSearch Dashboards URL is not a publicly accessible URL. It will be a private URL that you can access from within the VPC or from outside through a bastion host sitting in a public subnet in your VPC. Please take a look at the AWS documentation around creating OpenSearch clusters inside a VPC -

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

That is what i did actually. Nevertheless, my intention is to disable Kibana completely, not only make it unreachable. Is there such an option?

answered 2 years ago

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