How to connect multiple devices to AWS-IOT.


Right now, I am using the ESP32 to build a device that can send data over an AWS-IOT.

I am planning to use several ESP32 devices. Right now, I made a thing specifically for each device. I must therefore create three things, each with a unique certificate and key, if I have three devices.

This process is not scaleable, when I will connect 100 devices . It is not possible for me to do it manually. What can I do to solve this problem, and how can I do so?

Also I want to know about the price for using different facilities provided by AWS

asked a month ago117 views
1 Answer

There are several different ways to provision a device and install unique client certificates on it. AWS IoT supports automated fleet provisioning using provisioning templates. Provisioning templates describe the resources AWS IoT requires to provision your device. Templates contain variables that enable you to use one template to provision multiple devices. When you provision a device, you specify values for the variables specific to the device using a dictionary or map. To provision another device, specify new values in the dictionary. Ref.

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answered a month ago

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