Media Convert - PCR/PMT Period consistency


Hi. Is possible to generate a TS file with consistent PCR/PMT Period? Currently I am setting "PCR control" = CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, "PAT interval"=100, "PMT interval" = 100, and "Max PCR interval" = 100.

However, the transcoded video file has the following PCR period. 97 ms, 97ms, 62ms, 34ms, 99ms, 95ms, 84ms, 12ms, 97ms... 96ms, 85ms, 11ms


asked 2 years ago284 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

Thank you for the clarification. I hope AWS can add new optino/feature to force a consitent PCR/PMT interval in the future.


answered 2 years ago


Currently, mediaconvert has no option/feature to force a consistent PCR interval. it only has the ability to set the maX PCR intervals as you has tested it out. From the output test you had, i reckon you are using a VBR/QVBR And the specification on Measurement and analysis of the MPEG-2 Transport Stream ETR 101 290 states in section 5.2.2 that PCR Accuracy tests should only be performed on constant bit rate transport streams.

Hope it helps!

answered 2 years ago

Hi. Thank for your answer. I am using the MPEG-2 TS Container Bit Rate Mode to CBR (Constant) and CBR for Video ES Bit Rate Mode for my preset. I am not expecting a consistent PCR period interval for MPEG-2 TS VBR Bit Rate Mode.


answered 2 years ago

Hello Thanks for the update and clarification. For CBR mode , unfortunately, mediaconvert still has no option/feature to force a consistent PCR interval.


answered 2 years ago

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