Name servers after domain transfer


I had a domain name registered with BlueHost that I transferred to AWS Route 53, Under status in Route 53, it shows "Domain transfer successful: Finalizing the transfer to Route 53 (step 12 of 14)." However, under name server information, it still shows Name servers When I go to BlueHost Console, the domain in question does not appear anywhere.

Do I just wait or are there more steps that I need to take?

asked 9 months ago251 views
1 Answer

I think the last step is optional. I’ve never done a zone transfer with route53. Manually however it’s the following steps.

You need to create your dns zone for your domain in route 53.

Then update your glue records in your domain to point to the 4 name servers in the zone you have setup.

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answered 9 months ago

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