Questions regarding instances


I have an existing instance, and I want to change it to an instance plan, where the price would be more affordable, an instance reserved for 12 months, but I don't know how you're doing this, as I can't request the data I have on the server, I have Elastic IP and EBS, if I need to have other instances, can I use them normally? If I delete the instance I already use and migrate to the new one, am I at risk?

Anyone who can help me, I will be grateful!

asked 6 months ago397 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


I want to change it to an instance plan

Are you talking about reserved instances when you say instance plants?
Or do you mean Savings Plans?
If you are talking about Reserved Instances, you will not be able to receive discounts if you change from the EC2 instance type you selected when purchasing the Reserved Instance.

I think there is no problem if you just increase the instance size.

For Savings Plans, it depends on the plan you purchased, but if you have purchased EC2 Instance Savings Plans, you will not be able to receive discounts if you change the instance type.
I think there is no problem if you just increase the instance size.

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answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • First of all, I feel like I have some misunderstanding about Reserved Instances. Since Reserved Instances are a method of purchasing EC2, there is no need to delete existing EC2. In other words, when you purchase a Reserved Instance, a discount will be automatically applied if the instance type and region selected at the time of purchase match.

    Then I would like to know how to proceed if I want to pay for a reserved instance with the specifications of the one I already have, if I would lose something, such as Elastic IP, and EBS, which I cannot lose at all.

    So, in answer to the above question, there is no need to delete or change the existing EC2. I think the solution is to simply purchase a Reserved Instance so that a discount is assigned to that EC2.


It is a reserved instance, but what happens to me is that I have a standard instance, without being reserved, I pay for use, which is very expensive, but in the reserved instance there is already a fixed amount per month, which is more advantageous for my company.

Then I would like to know how to proceed if I want to pay for a reserved instance with the specifications of the one I already have, if I would lose something, such as Elastic IP, and EBS, which I cannot lose at all.

And how could I do that? After paying for the reserved instance, should I add the EBS to it and the Elastic IP? And then delete the old instance? And how do I do that?

answered 6 months ago

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