Amplify -> Content giving error "Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': One of the specified object stores was not found."


I have an existing AWS Amplify project "staging" which works fine. I created a new env on this same project "prod" which appears to have created fine, the dynamo db tables are there, lambda functions, etc. (this is basically a clone of the "staging" env).

However, when I use the Amplify UI and go to my project "prod" and Content, the page displays the error:

Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': One of the specified object stores was not found.

and I am unable to add any rows to a table manually. When doing the "Create" you can type in the data but when you click Submit nothing happens. No other errors or messages appear, it just fails to run with no feedback. The above error appears right when I load the page.

Screenshot with error

Any advice? The "staging" env works fine.

Thanks, Alex K

UPDATE 4/1/2024:

I am pretty frustrated that I cannot get this working. I have tried all sorts of things based on the one reply, e.g. complete removed the "prod" environment and tried to add a new environment "product" on the same AWS account.

It created all of the dynamodb tables but when I navigate to Amplify -> product -> Content, I still get that same error. And am unable to add any entries to any tables.

After receiving the error I made a minor change to one of my tables and then "amplify push" (this was reported to fix a different error in another forum), I also removed my "push notifications" piece and "hosting" piece as well (which should not be needed but was suggested in another thread). Nothing helped.

What I did exactly was:

amplify init
use existing: no
env name: product
auth method: Amplify Studio

I also tried (after removing the env when it did not work) AWS Profile and AWS Keys as the auth method. Neither worked either.

Anyone have any suggestions on what to do next? I am on basic support trying to get off the ground with a react-native app on iOS. The app works fine in the "staged" env, I want to follow the guidelines in this doc:

But it seems they do NOT work. And getting help seems difficult, or at least even getting a useful error that I can figure things out from.

asked 5 months ago339 views
1 Answer

It seems like the issue may be related to environment variables not being set correctly in the "prod" environment. A few things you can try:

Check that all required environment variables are defined in the "prod" environment settings in Amplify. Common ones include database connection strings, API keys etc.

Try running amplify pull in your project directory to pull in any changes from the cloud and refresh the local environment.

As a troubleshooting step, you can clear the Amplify cache by running npm i -g @aws-amplify/cli which will force it to reset locally.

Check for any errors in the Amplify logs by running amplify logs which may provide more clues on what's failing during the content load.

As a last resort, you can delete the "prod" environment from Amplify and recreate it from scratch to start with a clean slate.

profile picture
answered 5 months ago
  • Thanks for the reply. Where would I find these env variables?

    I checked and the dynamo tables were created with the "...-prod" names, but do not seem to be accessible to amplify (apparently). I am able to create items in a table using dynamodb directly in the UI.

    I've done the "amplify pull" etc. multiple times, didn't help. Just tried the "npm" command, didn't help. "amplify logs" gives me "⚠️ The Amplify CLI can NOT find command: logs" oddly.

    Is there a way to re-initialize the env without removing and recreating? I remember there was one point in the creating where I had to select the auth mechanism, and I choose "Amplify Console", perhaps I should have chosen the "Keys" method or some other method.

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