Inquiry and Assistance Regarding AWS SES


we are in the process of evaluating email service providers for our organization's communication needs, and we are interested in utilizing Amazon Simple Email Service (SES). we had try to use it but my account is in sendbox can you please put out it on from send box . i had made request 2 to 3 time still it not put out please put out from send box.

asked 5 months ago124 views
1 Answer

This can only be requested from the account itself in the SES console of the region that you want to have SES removed from the Sandbox. Note SES is available in multiple regions - so ensure you request to have it removed from the same region as the one that you want to use.

Refer to the documentation here:

If you have not received a response, please reach out to AWS Support at and ask for an update.

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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