How to connect to other VPC SAP instance having VPC Peering via Appflow ?


We have VPC Peering enabled. How can appflow now connect to other VPC's private SAP instance ?

asked 10 months ago367 views
3 Answers

Set Up VPC Peering ==> IAM Role and Permissions (Create an IAM role that grants AppFlow permissions to access the necessary resources in both VPCs. ) ==> Set up an AppFlow flow (Define the source and destination connectors (such as SAP) ==> Network Configuration (Ensure that the security groups and network ACLs allow the necessary traffic between the peered VPCs.) ==> Test Connectivity.

For more details, I recommend checking the AWS documentation:

AWS AppFlow Documentation & AWS VPC Peering Documentation

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • Your answer is not complete . In APPFLow connections , what URL should I fill in case of VPC peering ? should I enable privatelink enabled or not


I believe AWS AppFlow connections can be configured with or without PrivateLink, depending on your network architecture and security requirements. If you are using VPC peering and want to leverage PrivateLink, make sure that PrivateLink is enabled for AppFlow in both the source and destination VPCs.

Also, if you're connecting to a private SAP instance in another VPC, you generally use the private IP address or DNS hostname of the SAP instance. The URL would typically be something like sap://<private-ip-or-hostname>:<port>.

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • No, it doesn't accept URL of this format sap://.... I also tried with https://privateIp but this also doesn't work. Application host URL - https://privateIp Port number - 8001 PrivateLink - disabled ( since it needs endpoint service, nlb, tg .. )


Are these 2 VPCs in same account or different account?

answered 8 months ago
  • Different accounts

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