CloudFront Behavior '/' for homepage of my website


Hi, I have 2 origins in CloudFront i.e ELB for backend and S3 Bucket for Frontend. I want to keep ELB as default (*) path pattern and "/" for homepage that will be served from S3 Bucket and some other path patterns for S3. But if I make these changes then my homepage is getting served from ELB with blank page. If tried to open static web page from S3 Bucket, then it's working. Please suggest me what should I do. Thanks!

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Are you accessing URLs with "/" at the end?

I think we should set up S3 to be accessible with a default path pattern and set up a custom path pattern for each ALB.

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answered a year ago
  • I'm not accessing URLs with "/" at the end. As of now, I'm doing same, we have set up S3 as default path pattern.

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