Any limit on the number docker compose-based Greengrass components


I have a Greengrass device with 5 components built with docker-compose, but I am having the following problem:

  1. All 5 components are built with docker-compose: In this case, when I run all these components, only the containers of 4 components are running and showing in docker ps, but all the components are shown as RUNNING in Greengrass: /greengrass/v2/bin/greeengrass-cli component list
  2. Use 4 docker compose-based component and 1 docker-based component (docker run --name in run lifecycle): In this case, all the components are shown as RUNNING in /greengrass/v2/bin/greeengrass-cli component list as well as with docker ps

My question is that is there any limit on the number of docker compose-based component or any configurations to fix the issue?

asked 2 months ago143 views
1 Answer

There is no strict limit on the number of Docker Compose-based components in AWS Greengrass.

  1. System resources: The number of components that can run concurrently depends on the device's resources (CPU, memory, disk space, etc.).
  2. Docker container limits: Docker has limits on the number of containers that can run simultaneously (typically around 100-200 containers per Docker daemon).
  3. Greengrass component limits: Greengrass has a soft limit of around 20-30 components per deployment. Exceeding this may cause issues
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answered 2 months ago
  • Thanks. Do you have any idea on how to fix my issue?

  • Can you modify the question to share the recipe for the component of the missing container?

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