Adding Lightsail Instance to AWS Systems Manager didn't show in Fleet Manager


Hello everyone,

I created a new snapshot of a Lightsail instance because unable to access it via SSH in browser or locally in terminal [error code: UPSTREAM_NOT_FOUND [519]]. I followed the directions here to add it to AWS Systems Manager to gain access:

However, it doesn't show in Fleet Manager at all. The regions are correct, I copied all the information precisely into the launch script, including the correct activation code and ID. I tried both the generic debian launch script and ubuntu specific one.

Thanks for help

asked 2 years ago672 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

So, I got in and so I am answering my own question. However, this may not work for everyone. I managed to connect with the person who setup the LightSail instance in question and it seems like they had changed the default SSH port on the server side and so I had to specify the correct port manually when logging in via SSH in a terminal locally.

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

I having the same issue. I was about my question then saw yours. I will share some pictures to give more context

My steps

0- Mu LightSail instance ( Ubuntu 22 )

Enter image description here

1- Installing and Running amazon-ssm-agent using snap.

sudo snap install amazon-ssm-agent --classic

sudo snap list amazon-ssm-agent

Enter image description here

2- Connected to AWS system Manager. Enter image description here

3- Fleet Manager is empty Enter image description here

answered 2 years ago
  • Yeah, my issue is the same, except I'm unable to access my Lightsail instance via SSH so I ran the code to add amazon ssm agent via launch script when loading a snapshot of my instance. I've been unable to find an answer in the forums that solved this.

  • Following the instructions in this post should work:

    1. Make sure to specify the correct instance limit while creating the Hybrid activation. You can only register instances until this limit is reached.
    2. Verify that the commands specified include the correct activation code, ID and region.
    3. Also make sure you are using the right commands necessary for the OS running on the instance. More details can be found here:

    Another thing to note is that it might take a few minutes for the instance to show up in the fleet management page after it has been registered.

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