AWS Opensearch cluster is stuck in "Modifying" with the update


I have a cluster "arn:aws:es:us-east-1:740462994053:domain/kibana-prod" which we created by CDK as a part of our infrastructure. After applying the next update in May 2024 the cluster is still stuck in "Modifying" state. We cannot reboot the node, we cannot modify it by CDK or manually.

Also we cannot cancel the update because there is no option for doing it as well. In the error log (which is forwarded into AWS Cloudwatch logs) There is nothing related to the subject.

The stack also creates other resourses, like SES, S3 (we have 11Tb data so far), Kinesis Firehose streams and so on.

How can we revert the cluster to the stable state?

1 Answer

This can happen due to various reasons such as an ongoing operation, resource constraints, or network issues.

Try to use the Elasticsearch _cluster/health endpoint to check the health of your cluster. or check AWS CloudWatch Metrics to see if there are any unusual spikes or drops in metrics like CPU utilization, JVM memory pressure, or disk space.

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answered 6 months ago
  • The service is available to the operators, Kibana interface is available as well. The problem is that we cannot use the CF stack because one of the resources in the strange state.

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