Component health status for pinned lambda functions running in Greengrass v2


I'm exploring possibilities for implementing a health monitoring mechanism for a long running (pinned) lambda function running on Greengrass v2 based on EventBridge as documented

Assuming the deployment of the lambda component has been successful and the failure (e.g. the Java application terminating with a non zero exit code) occurs after an extended period of time, will I get any notifications about the lambda crashing?

After inspecting the detailed component status codes it's still unclear to me.

asked 9 months ago320 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Lambda components are different, there is no component status code for lambda. The lambda components have a health check ping, (1 min by default). If lambda manager does not receive that ping, then it transition lambda to ERRORED state, and Greengrass will send notifications if you set up the event bridge and monitor the component status change. Greengrass will retry the component 3 times within 1 hour. If it continues to fail, it will be marked as broken and you will receive an event for the broken component.

answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
  • Thank you for the answer. Is there a way to control the ping mechanism, number and intervals for retry, etc? Can you please link the documentation?

  • Yes, to control the ping mechanism, please refer to Status timeout for console and statusTimeoutInSeconds for cli step 1.6.c. We recommend to set the status timeout greater than 10s.

    You can't customize retry number and intervals. For other Greengrass device configuration, please refer to this document, for recipe reference, please refer to this document

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