EC2 Dashboard shows Instance (running) unable to remote desktop reboot not working possibly shut down and restart stil unable to remote desktop.


US West (N. California) us-west-1 t2.micro running MS Server has been running for years with occasional reboots no problems no changes have been made to public network settings no software or OS updates have been applied since the last successful login.

EC2 Dashboard shows Instance (running)1 Instances > Instances shows instance as running (green) and 2/2 checks passed (green) but cannot remote desktop connect cannot remote into server using installed 3rd party remote app

have restarted via reboot shows as rebooted instantly in green banner which is wrong? reboots are not instant? stopping instance works shows instance as stopped in dashboard and restarts shows instance as running (green) and 2/2 checks passed (green) but still unable to connect RDP or 3rd party remote app. No idea what to do next. Is there any fault with us-west-1 at the moment?

asked 10 months ago368 views
2 Answers


There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it now.
It seems like there was a temporary issue, but that seems to have been resolved.

If you are still unable to connect, please troubleshoot using the steps in the document below.

By the way, is the IP address of the EC2 you are connecting to correct?
On rare occasions, I see people who are unable to connect because they have typed the wrong information.

profile picture
answered 10 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 10 months ago

Hi public Ip address has not changed running the above gives this output

assertInstanceIsWindows aws:assertAwsResourceProperty Success assertInstanceIsManagedInstance aws:assertAwsResourceProperty Fail branchOnAllowOffline aws:branch Success

all others show as pending before replying please be aware I have no/little AWS/IT Experience I am a super noob so baby steps please.

Thanks Z

answered 10 months ago

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