I'm unable to locate Amazon Bedrock Agent and Knowledge Base in console menu.


We are transitioning from Langchain to a more managed environment with AWS Bedrock. However, I'm facing an issue where I can't find the option to create a new Agent, as the menu item seems missing. Similarly, I am unable to locate the Knowledge Base in the menu as well. Could anyone guide how to resolve this?

asked 8 months ago383 views
1 Answer


Bedrock Agents and Knowledge Base is not GA yet and is still in private preview mode. The expected GA date is in Q4. If you're looking for an private preview access, kindly get in touch with your account team to gain a private preview access to Agents and Knowledge Base.

Hope this info helps. Kindly mark an acceptance for this answer, if it helped you, to help others looking for the same info.

Thanks, Arjun

answered 8 months ago

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