cant access rdp on mac


I have a windows 2019 instance of EC2 and trying to access it via Microsoft Remote Desktop but my connection is denied with the message: user account used to connect to did not work. Ive followed the instructions on and created and added a new inbound rule with my ip/32 so I could access but I still get the same error upon trying to connect

asked a year ago486 views
1 Answer

The same thing may be happening with the following.

Also, if SSM Agent is installed on EC2, you can set the necessary IAM role for EC2 and connect to EC2 in the following way.

The IAM policy set for EC2 is "AmazonSSMMManagedInstanceCore".
By creating and configuring an IAM role for EC2 using this IAM policy, you can enable RDP in Systems Manager.

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answered a year ago

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