CORS Error While creating, listing S3 buckets


Enter image description here Where should I add CORS policy to get access to S3 resources. What I am trying to do is to create bucket and list buckets but I am unable to do that due to this CORS error. But I am able to access objects inside the buckets whichever name I mention explicilty in the code But cant able to list all buckets and create a new bucket. I am using Angular . By the way I have given Admin access to the identity , so there shouldnt be any access restrictions.

2 Answers


CORS allows the client browser to check with the third-party servers if the request is authorized before any data transfer. By default, browsers enforce that clients can only send requests to a resource with the same origin as the client's URL. Take a look at the following AWS page for more information.

Since your web application running in localhost domain is trying to interact with resources in, you need to configure CORS response headers on the S3 bucket (Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Headers and Access-Control-Allow-Origin), so that your application can consume it.

Below I attach some AWS pages that describes how to configure it step by step.

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
  • async s3ListBucketsCommand() {
        try {
          const creds = await this.auth.getAWSAccess();
          const config = {
            region: environment.awsCognito.region,
            credentials: {
              accessKeyId: creds.accessKeyId,
              secretAccessKey: creds.secretAccessKey,
              sessionToken: creds.sessionToken,
          const client = new S3Client(config);
          const input = {
            Bucket: "random-bucket-i-want-to-create",
          const command = new CreateBucketCommand(input);
          const response = await client.send(command);
          // Handle the response as needed
        } catch (error) {
          // Handle errors
          const command = new CreateBucketCommand(input);

    As You can see this is the function that I wrote to create a bucket dynamically. When I am trying to do this I am getting CORS error. For the buckets that already existed in my S3 service I have set CORS policy to allow requests and thats working fine I am getting Objects inside of those Buckets. But How to create a bucket dynamically in angular without any CORS errors ?

  • Hi,

    According to following GitHub and StackOverflow issues, it is not possible to create a bucket from the browser using the AWS-SDK, since the S3 Service team still doesn't add CORS support for CreateBucket operation.

Accepted Answer
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answered 9 months ago

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