AWS EBS snapshot size


I am using DLM service for EBS snapshot. How i can see the size of my snapshot. I use aws ec2 describe-snapshots --snapshot-ids YOUR_SNAPSHOT_ID It shows volume size but its not showing differential or incremental data size. Very important for cost management.

asked 5 months ago359 views
3 Answers

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answered 5 months ago

You can use EBS direct API ListSnapshotBlocks to find the size of a full snapshot and ListChangedBlocks to find the changed blocks of an incremental snapshot, which is the size of incremental snapshot. Amazon EBS direct APIs are charged per request and pricing information can be found in Amazon EBS pricing page.

To make the task easier, you can use our automation flexible-snapshot-proxy.

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Sample usage.


answered 5 months ago

In the DLM dashboard, you can click on "Snapshots" in the left-hand navigation pane.
To view the size of a specific snapshot, click on the snapshot's name to open its details page, you can find the size of the snapshot under the "Size" column.
Or please refer the below.


answered 5 months ago
  • There is no size column there. I ran aws ebs list-snapshot-blocks --snapshot-id snapid But all returns blockindex 2047 The document says multiply last blockindex with 512k to get the rough size . Its a snapshot of 1GB where the data on the volume is less than 1MB as log file repeated 3 time. not sure how to get the answer. should be straight forward.

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