Application Migration Service With Key Pair


Hi All,

I used Application Migration Service to migrate one of our On-Premise VM machines to AWS Ec2, and I choose one of our existing key pairs on the template migration server. After the Migration was completed successfully, I couldn't log in to the new AWS server through the Key pair but I can log in through username and password that the on-premise server setup with. Is there a way to set up the key pair with the new server?

1 Answer

Application Migration Service MGN replicates the entire disk contents from onprem and even though you are asked to configure a launch template certain settings within the launch template have no effect. Keypair is one of them - See here for more details

Adding the keypair is possible only via a post launch script or via ssm agent. Your script would need to insert the public key into the ~/.ssh folder for the required user

answered 2 years ago

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