Joining an organization: User does not exist


This might be a fun one!

We get emails from with our billing, updates needed etc. It includes our account number.

I'm trying to invite the account number to a newly made organization. When the person receiving the invite tries to log in, their 'user' does not exist. When we try to reset the password, it says that it does not exist.

We can't get any help from support because we aren't logged into the account.

Any ideas?

asked a year ago342 views
1 Answer

It sounds like the user who received the invitation didn't sign into the right account to accept the invitation. The user should use an IAM user, assume an IAM role, or sign in as the account's root user (not recommended) to the member account that is invited with a minimum permissions outlined in the article below.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile picture
reviewed a year ago

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