Bedrock Knowledge Base Failed to Fetch Error


Hi, I am starting to look at Bedrock Knowledge Base but when i try to create a knowledge base i get a "Failed to create the Amazon Opensearch Serverless collection. Failed to fetch" error.

I have tried creating from S3 bucket using default SSE (with bucket key enabled) using both a small csv file and a pdf. I have also tried using the preview webcrawler against a public website but every time the same error. S3 bucket and Bedrock running on N. Virginia

Has anyone else experienced this and found the solution.

1 Answer


Judging from the error message, creation of Opensearch Serverless used by Bedrock Knowledge Base has failed.
There may be a problem when creating Opensearch Serverless, so please search for the event "CreateCollection" in the CloudTrail event history and check if an error has occurred.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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