Are there difficulties migrating from Aurora MySQL to Aurora Serverless


A customer is running Aurora MySQL on an R5.4xlarge. They have a very spiky workload and need the large server to handle the peak load, but that is for a single hour of the day. They are wanting to experiment with using Aurora Serverless that will automatically scale as they expect this would reduce their overall RDS costs.

They are looking at this post for migrating and it looks relatively straightforward. Are there any issues with migrating from Aurora MySQL to Aurora Serverless?

The pricing doc indicates that 1 ACU ~ 2GB of memory. With an r5.4xlarge having 128GB of memory that would be 64 ACU for peak load. Is that an accurate conversion?

R5.4xlarge pricing is $2.32/hour Serverless is $0.08/ACU, so 64 ACU is $5.12

asked 4 years ago716 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

In addition to snapshot restore method mentioned in customer provided blog they can also migrate the data from Aurora Provisioned Cluster to Aurora Serverless cluster by using one of the below methods.

  1. Customer can use a snapshot of Provisioned Aurora cluster running in version 5.6.10a and restore the same to a Serverless cluster. It was also mentioned in the shared blog post link that only version is 5.6 10a

Reference [+] [+]

  1. Customer can use native backup and restore process using mysqldump to perform a logical static migration.

Reference [+]

  1. They can use services like DMS to perform a full migration with capture changes, but this will require extra configuration from source and also a replication instance, it can be useful to minimize database downtime.

Reference [+] Targets for Data Migration - [+]

About Pricing: it may not use 64 ACU all the time and customer need to look at their usage pattern(CPU/Memory) in 24 hours and ACU will be consumed based on the usage which varies over a period of time, here are some detailed pricing examples:

answered 4 years ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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