Some key-value pair data not extracted from pdf document in Amazon Textract


I am using Amazon Textract service to extract key-value pairs data from invoice document. In invoice document Ship To data is not extracted from document as key-value pair but previously this Ship To data is properly extract from document.

**For Example ** Before this issue Ship To key-value pair extracted full Ship To address with company name. After this issue Ship To key-value pair is not extracted any data as key-value pair.

asked 2 years ago571 views
2 Answers

Can you try Queries? Ask "What is the Ship To address?" for example.

answered 2 years ago

Thank you for using Amazon Textract. As a managed machine learning service, we are continuously improving our models, please reach out us with additional details in a support ticket so that we can investigate this further.

answered 2 years ago
  • As per your comment I am put this question in AWS support ticket with addition details 1 day ago but till now not get any reply from AWS support side.

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