How create VOD-Stream (FAST-Channel) with Ad-Markers via MediaTailor



we are currently working on the creation of a FAST-Channel via MediaTailor (based on HLS-content created via MediaConvert).

Samsung-TV expects that the stream includes Ad-Markers:

  • Samsung requires frame-accurate ad markers (SCTE-35 supported)
  • Variant manifest should have SCTE HLS tags indicating ad insertion points

I then added an ESAM-XML (with three ad breaks starting 10s, 20s and 30s) when creating HLS-Outputs (HEVC-Codec) via MediaConvert with the following settings:

  • Video Output Settings -> SCTE-35 source: "passtrough"
  • Apple HLS group settings -> Ad markers: "elemental (enabled)"

The variant manifests provided by my Main-Manifest seem to properly include Ad-Markers:


In the following I created a Channel via MediaTailor and added the previously described VOD-Source as a program and started the channel. When looking at fetched variant playlists, I can't find any EXT-X-CUEs (at the start of the Video with 5min duration):


Is my approach here correct for adding the Ad-Markers to our Live-Stream?

Kind regards,


asked 2 years ago1150 views
2 Answers

This is a bit difficult to understand what is being done as far as SCTE-35 insertions for Server Side Ad Insertion. It seems you are scheduling 3 ad insertions, one at 10s into the video, then at 20s and 30s. (How long are the ads? Less than 10s is not typical.) If you are looking to have an ad at the beginning of the video playout, you may need to schedule a Preroll ad. Please review this link. Also if you are using MediaTailor Channel Assembly to create the playout channel, you may need to review the following link.

answered 2 years ago

These 3 ad insertions were just for testing the integration of the ad-markers (There are no ads provided). We aim to have ad-markers added for every 10 minutes of the content being played in the stream.

According to the feedback from Samsung-Tv to our Test-Stream (provided via MediaTailor):

the stream is missing ad markers and having them is a requirement for launch

we are supposed to provide ad-markers. From my understanding they will utilise these markers to set up ads themselves.

answered 2 years ago

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