Always log Suricata signature id in Network Firewall flow logs



Are there any way to log Suricata signature id in Network Firewall netflow logs, not only alert logs?

I've a use case that to review the existing firewall rules and find the outdated rules. This could be easier to findout.

Regards, Worapoj

asked 21 days ago670 views
1 Answer

A single flow id or network traffic conversation can indeed match several Suricata FW rules (signature id), so based on that, I think this is why no information about signature id is included in the flow log.

To help identifying unused signature ids, I suggest leveraging alert rules and perhaps use statistics to find unused ones. For instance, in cloudwatch logs you can obtain statistics on alert/drop rules as follows:

stats count(*) by event.alert.signature_id
| sort by event.alert.signature_id asc 

This assumes that pass rules under study are prepended with equivalent alert rules.

profile pictureAWS
answered 19 days ago
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reviewed 13 days ago
  • Thank you. That's an interesting idea because the default behavior of my network firewall stateful is strict evaluation order (drop all --> alert all).

    So, most of the custom rules are whitelist. This can help to identify the in-use rules.

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