I am trying to configure our EC2 instance to support https. Nothing we've tried is working


Hi, I have an EC2 instance which is running some REST endpoints written in C#/.net 6. In order of importance, I'd like to figure out how to:

  1. Respond to https properly
  2. Ideally redirect http requests to https

Thus far, nothing I've tried is working. In fact, I've actually broken http (which was working this morning) and despite reverting changes in the code, the instance is now redirecting http to https and then refusing to connect.

This is not a familiar area for me. All I want to do is to have a secure connection to the server. How does one accomplish this?


asked 5 months ago216 views
1 Answer
  1. You could natively do this with something like kestrel in .NET
  2. You could use nginx to front your http service with https
  3. You could an AWS alb with https enabled pointing to your EC2 in a http target group.

Option 3 would be an easy solution as your in AWS currently n

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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