Billing issue - and I don't know what this account is for


Hello, I believe AWS was used as backend for a web app developed by a partner org for the nonprofit I work for. This web app has not been used in more than two years for the event that it was developed for. Last week I received a billing notification indicating that our payment method is expired. I have no log-in information for this account, and I'm not certain there's ever a charge for the service, as there shouldn't be any traffic to the web app except in December. How do I get in touch with a human being to help me with this issue? Coming through this forum is the only method I've found for contacting anyone about my issue, as this is where the billing notification email sends me through its only "contact us" link.

asked a year ago353 views
2 Answers
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answered a year ago

From how you've described your setup there's a good chance that the email address the billing notification was sent to is the same email address as was used to setup the AWS Account in the first place (what is called the root account email address).

If so, the root account password can be reset, allowing you to regain access to the account

From here you will be able to update the payment method

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answered a year ago

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