Unable to launch/see open notebook button


Hi Team, I created a new domain and now i am able to see the new interface and was stuck as i am unable to find the button to open up the notebook/classic one can you please let me know how i can do that and how to open notebook and kernel apps for the same.


asked 5 months ago228 views
2 Answers


To open a new notebook:-

  • 1 - Go to Landing page of your Sagemaker domain
  • 2 - Click File --> New --> Notebook

You can find more details about the new UI in these documents -

answered 5 months ago

Hi Anu,

If you meant SageMaker Notebook Instances by "classic one", it is still accessible from the SageMaker Management Console > "Notebook" > "Notebook instances". https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/howitworks-access-ws.html

answered 4 months ago

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