Unsuccessful Task Definition deletion in Elastic Container Service.


Hi, I have a problem deleting an Elastic Container Service job definition.

I'm still learning about the platform, in a hands-on lab I created a container and Task Definition, but after successfully completing the task I need to delete the container and Task Definition. However, the deletion of the Task Definition is still in progress for almost 3 (three) days, generating an unforeseen cost for me, as I am only in training, I do not use the platform for work.

Because of this I cannot delete the ECS container.

Can anyone help me please?

asked a year ago291 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


There is no charge for the task definition itself.
If there is a task (container) that is running, the container must be deleted to incur the cost.

What if we delete the entire service instead of the task definition?

Stopping a task (container) can be done by following the procedure in the following document.

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answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Thank you very much for your support!

    I really just needed to stop all the activities that were running on the cluster, so that later I could complete the deletion of cluster process.

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