How I can show the JSON file data of voice and chat interactions saved in Amazon connect wisdom Knowledge Base.


I have created custom integration for enabling Amazon connect wisdom in AWS. We are saving voice and chat interactions data in JSON file format and the same file content is getting created in wisdom knowledge base. JSON format is the standard format to save our voice and chat interaction files in S3, we can't change this format in S3 bucket.

Now when an agent do any search in the wisdom, it is showing the JSON content and agent not able to understand the JSON content.

Please suggest how can we solve this.

I have followed the instructions to create custom integration for Amazon connect wisdom provided in the below link:

asked 7 months ago223 views
2 Answers

Hi Samfred,

Thank you for the response !

I need the information which is present in JSON files but not in JSON format. I want to show the data of JSON files in wisdom UI but not in JSON format. Please suggest me on this

answered 7 months ago
  • I have got the fix for this issue and now I am able to convert the JSON content in lambda function using nodejs


Hi Naseema,

This blog sets up content to be ingested automatically via Amazon S3. If you are getting unwanted content in your Wisdom knowledge base, you may need to modify the code of the blog to omit certain files, either by filtering extensions or by only looking in a certain prefix. You could also create a separate S3 bucket for the JSON content, and another for the Wisdom content.

Happy building!

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago

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