AWS Device Farm Capabilities


Can I use AWS Device Farm to test applications on PCs i.e. Windows PC across Internet explorer, Chrome Browser, Edge Etc? Can I use this on Apple PCs to test on Safari ? What other platforms / browsers are supported apart from the mobile platforms listed in the documentations. is the product SOC compliant ? if not are there any mitigating controls to put in place for using this.

asked 3 years ago707 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Device Farm supports running tests on browsers through Device Farm desktop browser testing. It supports Chrome, Firefox, IE, and MSFT Edge. You can refer here

It does not support Safari nor MacOS.

To date, the service is not in scope for SOC report available in AWS Artifact. You can find all the services in scope for AWS SOC report through Artifact in the AWS Management Console, or download the Fall 2021 SOC 3 report here.

One way to mitigate is to run Selenium based testing on your own device farms based on services in scope for AWS SOC report, such as EC2.

answered 3 years ago

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