How can I install a "-generic" Linux kernel version on my EC2 Ubuntu instance rather than the "-aws" version?


My EC2 instance is running Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS, and the kernel version is " 5.15.0-1066-aws" I am not able to install an azure replication install package, as the expected kernel version according to the installer should be "5.15.0-1066-generic". Is it possible to install a package that has a version with "-generic" rather than "-aws"?

asked 5 months ago476 views
2 Answers


This documentation will show you how to install user-provided kernels on EC2 instance:

This way you can use exactly the kernel version you want.



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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
reviewed 5 months ago
  • Thanks Didier.

    I'll install the generic kernel, and reboot on that and see if the installation package works.

    Kind regards Jason



You can try installing a different kernel(-generic) that you have. Change the kernel using the rescue instance method. Before doing this, take a snapshot or create an AMI, and try it on an instance launched from the AMI or snapshot. Although not confirmed, you can also try it in a test environment where you have the "-aws" kernel.


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answered 5 months ago

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