FLEET_STATE_ERROR - No relevant information in logs


I am using the Unreal Engine Gamelift Server SDK Plugin.
After packaging a build, I can test it locally with the Gamelift-local jar and I can create a game session and join it just fine.
When I upload the build to gamelift however, the fleet validation process fails after successfully finding the runtime path.
None of the logs indicate an error, and I am left grasping at straws as to what the problem might be here.
Is there any way I can retrieve additional information as to what caused it to fail?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

asked 5 years ago249 views
2 Answers

I didn't find a way to retrieve additional information, but I did find what was causing the issue.
I had "-log" as part of the launch parameters, as soon as I removed that, the fleet activation was successful.

answered 5 years ago

The official Lumberyard/GameLift forums are here: https://forums.awsgametech.com/tags/gamelift
They are monitored by GameLift and have strong community support. Thanks!

answered 5 years ago

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