24x7 access to Cloud Support Engineers via phone, chat, and web. - HOW?


I just purchase a Business plan , it states 24x7 access to Cloud Support Engineers via phone, chat, and web. but I can't even find a phone number to ask for support! help!

asked 2 years ago494 views
2 Answers


For security purposes, AWS Support doesn’t have a phone number. When you open a support case through the case console, select Phone. You're prompted for a callback number. You'll receive a call from AWS Support as soon as you create the case.

Please see this article for full instructions on opening a support case by phone. Hope this helps. Please select accept answer if it did.

Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/aws-phone-support/

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

so how does one engage support by phone after the case has already been openned?

answered 9 months ago

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