Is OpsWorks Stacks a dead product?


OpsWorks Stacks is still on Chef 12, and doesn't support Ubuntu 20.04. Today it was just outright broken for a few hours (any instance launches would fail). Is this product still being maintained?

  • +1 I m waiting for an answer for months now. I would add that it's not possible to launch recent instances types like r6, c6 families or all graviton instances that is really annoying for us

asked 3 years ago1228 views
4 Answers

For those waiting for an update, I think it's worth looking at this article: and inferring what that means for the life of Stacks.

answered 2 years ago

Hi bscheld, thank you for sharing your concern. Supporting new OS and Chef versions is in our current timeline. if you want to have more updates regarding OpsWorks stacks, please feel free to contact me privately.

answered 2 years ago
  • I'm also interested in your answer. Our web application is completely dependent on AWS OpsWorks. It is important for us to know if there is an OpsWorks end-of-life.


And another re:Invent passes with total radio silence on the Opsworks front. Sigh.

answered 2 years ago

Any update on Opsworks support for ubuntu 20.04? Ubuntu 18.04 is standard support is expiring in 3 months ( April, 2022 ).

answered 2 years ago

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